I can guarantee as soon as their bank account hit $12,001.00 they went right in and signed on the dotted line. Then, hope to hell their paycheck comes in before the lease payment does. Actually, I'm surprised in the first place the Dooshbags that need to have these things can actually scrape up enough money for the down payment.

But, really, that tells the truth that they can't stroke a hundred thousand dollar check for one these Turds in the first place. That's what separates those who have money and those who don't.

As for it being worth it? Pfft, I'm not even going to waste my time to look at one. I'd have a '59 Dodge Royal, a Super Bird, a '60 Chrysler, or a '71 Hemi Challenger way before having one of those ugly things in the driveway.

Mo' Farts

Moderated by "tbagger".