Originally Posted by AAR#2
Originally Posted by cudatom
Handled insurance claims for 28 yrs . . . If you don't check for better rates every couple of yrs thats also on you.

I was under the (false) impression that loyalty is rewarded early in my life. .

Problem is insurance isn't a loyalty industry. It is all about the risk. When your kids started driving the risk of a claim went up. Also agents have almost nothing to do with what your policy costs. The only impact they have is looking for available discounts. What your agent will do, well a good one is fight for you if you have a claim and are having issues with the claim rep.

Point in case, my entire family has coverage with the same company but different agents. I told them they should switch to my agent they asked why. Told them their agent was an ass, he never fights for his policyholder, is a straight up corporate man and he was more than likely not giving them the discounts they qualify for and recommended deductibles that were too high. They all pooh hooed me. Then they had a claim. I just laughed. They finally switched but by then it was too late and they lost money.

I really enjoyed showing them my coverages and rates compared to theirs. They said the agent stated the higher deductible saved money. I said it did but did you ask what the savings was. They said no. I told them it was $6 per 6 months for their higher deductible. Explained that it would take 12.5 yrs of premiums to pay for the difference in the deductible. They still argued I was wrong. I finally got my dad to sit down with my agent. One of the first things he asked was what did Tom tell you? My dad repeated it and was told I was exactly right and why would he argue with me. I still rub it in.

Back to loyalty I learned early in life there really is no such thing when it comes to money. So if its a business you can expect them to lool out for them 1st. Loyalty is only between a man and his dog and maybe not even then if there are treats involved.
