We're in a world market for commodities.

The US put tariffs on Canadian lumber a couple of years ago.

Now about 10% of the Chinese have passports, wait until it is 40%. Wait until they want to invest here-see Vancouver.

People with money are choosing to build not just in cities but in resort locations. The people with money want new or recently remodeled.

The number of people that want a 4000 S.F. home is pretty sizable. Discounting their ability to take care of it over decades.

Young women are becoming very fluent in the shared information economy. Many young men are comfortable in the gaming community on a couch.

When I see contractors these days, they mostly seem to be driving full sized 3/4 ton crew cabs with a wrap: $ 75K trucks. Used 1/2 ton single cabs are out. That money has to come from somewhere.