Funniest story I have was a piece of cardboard. I was only a few miles from home in my 96 Ram pickup & driving on a divided type road - 2 lanes east, 2 lanes west. Anyway, it was in the summertime & a big storm was brewing - it was starting to get windy & dark from the heavy clouds coming in. There was a couple guys next to me in a pickup - they were a little behind me, so they saw the whole thing. Up ahead of me is a big sheet of cardboard blowing around the road & as I'm approaching it, it blows up into the air. I'm thinking great - I'll go right under it! Next thing I know, someone turns out the lights - the cardboard came down & covered the entire windshield - it was as if my hood blew open - I couldn't see anything & I was doing probably 60! So I stabbed the brakes & after a few seconds, the cardboard was gone. The guys next to me in the pickup were hysterical with laughter. I know they are probably still telling that story today & laughing. What were the odds?

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified