Originally Posted by 71TA

So heres the deal. I investigated the HELL outta these.

Originals - The originals were discontinued in fall of 2019. I have senior management friend at Mopar headquarters that couldn't find info on these. Not sure why so top secret. In fact I had people that worked under him come up to me at Mopar shows and tell me he had sent them on a hunt for the engineering drawings on these. Was told the only other place info could be is in storage in downtown Detroit. I was hoping I could pay a licensing fee and just have the original manufacturer continue to make them.

Former Reproductions - One company made reproductions. They were bad but thats all that was available. People would call and complain even though I tried talking everyone out of them. The fit was bad. They tore when installing. They even melted in the bags when I would hang them at shows in the summer sun. This manufacturer stopped making them last fall.

Year One USED to make a VERY nice looking reproduction. Ron Fellwock showed me a fist fill of them at the Indy show a couple years ago. I bought a couple and they looked and fit real good but again the material wasnt correct. Year One said they lost thier tooling or vendor in China and would be starting from scratch.

New Reproductions - 2 companies tell me they are/were apparently working on them. I was actually in the loop with one company test fitting prototypes. The last prototype had a smaller pocket that wrapped around the door glass but otherwise looked and actually fit great BUT the material wasn't correct. A 2nd company has been saying they are reproducing them but its been a couple years. I quit asking. 2 others called me recently. One said a friend whos an engineer is working on remaking them. Another Mopar guy with plastics background (most promising person I know) called a couple months ago and asked if I'd be interested in pursuing them. No return call.

Material - By not correct I mean the originals are made from "cloudy Mylar" (there's a long scientific name). It holds up in temp extremes AND it had memory. All the other reproduction s don't have memory. These pieces need to be spread open to punch the holes for the "shoes". The originals would SNAP back into shape. Any of the reproductions I saw didn't snap back. Big problem. Plus, like I mentioned above, they would melt in the summer sun if the wrong material. I'd say thats a problem too., I personally wouldn't sell them

My Investigations - I work with a few manufacturers now and all said they couldn't make them. Only company I found that specialized in Mylar pieces was a medical parts manufacturer and they said the part was much larger than they usually deal with and weren't interested. My background is industrial automation mostly for the auto companies and plastic parts manufacturers. It LOOKS so easy but theres a BUNCH to know about molds, tooling, plastics that I would never assume that's somethin g I could take on. I have watched people get stung making parts and they didn't work for many reasons. For example all plastic parts shrink. When molds are made a shrink factor has to be designed in depending on the material. In the auto industry like door or dash pieces I would see a 1-1/2% shrink factor meaning the parts have to be made 1-1/2% LARGER so they will be close to correct when they cool. THAT would be a huge learning curve for a newbie. Plastic molds are expensive. Molds for these would be like $6-10k even in China.

Flocking - Thats the next step after the parts are made. Parts would be sent to a company that puts the flocking on. Plastic molding companies don't flock. Flocking would be the easiest part of the process.

Thanks for the update Jim!!!! I say you did your due diligence!!!! Hopefully something will materialize soon...