I don't know how many laps the tracks ran, the track looked good at the start of the cup race. Probably within 15 laps, the 2 main grooves were already turning black from the rubber put down coming off the corners. At our old northern IL home clay track, when the groove was turning black, the track was pretty hard, and slick. By the end of the cup race, nearly all the corners and 1/2 way down the straights were black. The guys were pulling dirt track tires off after less then 50 laps that were almost as smooth as slicks.

During every stop, the track watered the top of the track and packed it in, but dust was an issue on each restart for a few laps, then it was pretty much just a hanging haze in the air. I suspect it was probably the dust cloud settling back onto the track when the racing stopped for 3-5 minutes until they got it all airborne again.