Originally Posted by n20mstr
WOW great topic, i tell peopl e all the time, they slow down a car with too much octane. Proved it with my sons car. Junkyard 360, went 11.48 on 110 , put 93 and it went 11.15

Thx n ... but my spin here is on my Scat Pack Charger...

I’m using PUMP REGULAR in it instead of 91 .. 91 is a very rare blend in these parts... only ONE STATION in this area has it.

So instead of using 93 ... two points over recommended... I’m using 4 points under ... but the ECU compensates for that up

ACCORDING to some members here that work at CTC.

I’m curious what kind of actual 30-roll high gear press diff there would be between using the two diff fuels