I use Evercoatfilers and primer Slicksand I like it the best. After all is said and done I shoot on PPG DP90 used as a,SEALER.
A,SEALER. So is 3 parts as weaker or 2 as a primer
One primer ome hardener. And then one part good grade paint quality slow LAQURE thinner.
Worked well as a,sealer.
Paint on a budget of RM Dimont and the Dumont clear. Will gone a good job. Show quality on fact.
If lower cost or solid color nothing wrong with RM Limco Supreme line of RM
FYI diamond clear is very good.
I shoot house of color candy and us the RM Dumont clear on top paying job

VP of the MPM in New Orleans
73 Dart Sport 340/ 70 challenger vert. That may still get built, If I live long enough