No. I never once had a totaled car moved to the salvage pool facility without the customer being notified first, and agreeing to have the car moved. If it is practical for the customer to come get their stuff out/pull their plates, we'll hold off on moving the car for a few days to give them time to do so. If it is not, or if they simply don't want to do it themselves, we'll pay the salvage pool to box up their personal items/plates and ship them to the customer.

In fact, I never once had any car moved, repairable or total, without the customer knowing and approving of doing so. It's not my car, it's not the insurance company's car, it's not our decision to make. Now, if a car is incurring storage charges, and the customer says "Give me 2 weeks to decide," we're going to tell them that we can give them a few days, but after that, we can either move the car, or they will be responsible for the additional storage charges. This is rare, though. In most cases, if I couldn't have a car moved quickly, it was due to a serious issue, such as major injuries, and we would of course be more flexible in those situations.

Earning every penny of that moderator paycheck.