When I moved into my house(built in 71) almost 12 years ago they informed me during the inspection that my panel was double tapped and needed to be upgraded. With the recent weather events and my desire for a generator and transfer switch I figure it is time to go ahead and replace the panel.

Any recommendations on brands or type of breakers? I have a friend who is a very good electrician but he has been out of the residential field for several years now maintaining equipment at a manufacturing facility. So if anything new or better has come on the market he hasn't seen it.

I need to get a larger panel, to remove the double tapped connections and I need to add some stuff to my garage I have been slumming it with two outlets for way too long lol.

So I want a transfer switch, whole home surge protection and to add a larger panel to cover extra garage outlets and add a 220V in the garage.

Any recommendations or advice? Like anything else I don't want to buy the cheapest crap but want a good value.

One of the things that makes me most excited for this is to be able to put the proper labels on everything. I swear they marked this panel then went and switched it with the neighbors or something. The only things labeled right are the 220V breakers. Everything else involves me and the wife yelling back and forth if things turned off or not argue

68 Barracuda Formula S 340