Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
Have you been to Las Vegas in the winter before?
If so how were the crowds now compare to before?
How about the crowds in the casinos and restaurants?

Cab I just came back from Vegas Tuesday. As you know I have loved there for a number of years. I can tell you the airport was more dead than I have EVER Seen it. The strip is more dead than I have ever seen it, still some folks there but Id say if it was 1/4 the crowd that would be generous. My best friend works at the Cosmo and he tells me it is hanging on by a thread, the governors mandates are killing the city. We have many friends who own businesses or work on the strip, two have had to close their restaurants because of the governors actions. A few more have been out of work since last March when he closed it down completely. We had a "little" Superbowl party at the house with about 30 people and many of them have been affected for sure. One "bright" side is real estate prices are through the roof! Mainly due to the influx of Californians snapping up all available property(friends in real estate too). We have been told our home there is well into 7 figures at this point!

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"