On this note, let's keep the thread going.

Any members have a Medal of Honor recipient in their family? My wife has a third cousin, Commander Eugene Fluckey. Commanded the submarine Barb. Received MOH and four Navy Crosses. I suspect he was the second highest decorated WW2 service man.

A friend has a GG uncle; Manomen O'Donnel awarded the Medal for action at Vickburg (the campaign my family was in, too).

Sammy Davis lives in the area. He knew Commander Fluckey from their MOH get-togethers. Said Fluckey kept him on the straight and narrow. They used his award ceremony for the superimposing of Forrest Gump.

'70 Challenger R/T 383
'16 Hemi Durango SSV (work vehicle)
'15 Ram Police SSV