Originally Posted by NITROUSN
Originally Posted by ek3
Originally Posted by Stanton
i always thought it was the chain that was - .005 " i think they come in .002 -.0010 " shorter chains.. we would always measure and then order the correct chain ..?

Ok, then think about it ... you have what, maybe 50 links in the chain and you want to make that chain .005" shorter. So each link has to be made roughly .0002" shorter. Or you can just make the sprocket bigger !!
---gotcha on the gears! ---advertisements show shorter chains .. i know, so much for repeating bad info.. the op would understand it ... i am curious about the chain needs to be .005" shorter though. its the [ CENTER ] distance that is .005" shorter. the chain length should be completely different as it is on 2 different radius x lengths .. rite?

No. Read what is posted. Nothing to to do with the chain. Gear is compensated to the height change the pitch stays the same. Now you should of before and surely need to now DEGREE THE CAM.The wheel has already been invented.
no? was referencing the math for a shorter chain.................read my post. i said i got the gear deal.... was talking about the math for a shorter chain by .005" --by 50 links.. .005 is c-c measurement.. chain length is around it...thats all