Originally Posted by larrymopar360
Disconnect negative battery cable, and you want the meter to have one contact on the negative cable and one on the negative post. Doesn't matter which you use from the voltmeter on which because you are just looking for an absolute value so ignore the negative or positive reading on meter. On older vehicle without a bunch of electronics, should be a reading of less than 50 milliamps. Mine is reading 60Ma and killing my battery in just about ten days of sitting. The van being a '13 may read more in the range of 60-80 milliamps, and be considered normal draw.

Basically, the meter is going to be a link from negative cable to negative post, using meter contacts. I believe the knob setting on your meter should be mA, or at least on most meters.

Thats right as I found most newer Mopars read from 10 to about 30 mili-amps. I was told 50 mil-amps even for the new cars is limit and I only found some conversion vans reading about 40 to 50 mili-amps. I always like to use my fluke meter as its digital readout is very accurate. Ron