I actually think she can drive pretty well. It is the cut corners, cars poorly fitting the driver and their willingness to send an amateur down the road in a high powered car that gets me cranky. Check out this video of JJ talking about the two cars that burned in the trailer. The 'Ol Heavy pickup was not his original one and he claimed it was built by someone else for him. Check out the cage- at 2:55, 9:37 and 9:47-55... Says he had problems getting the truck to work.


What the heck is the sense of putting a cage in the truck that will break apart at 40 mph. If your that dumb, leave it out and hope for the best when you crash. I have also hear that 1,200 HP likes a stiff chassis. Maybe this wet noodle chassis is why it didn't work. Lucky it burned in the trailer as opposed to killing him.

I don't dislike JJ and actually appreciate the effort to bring women to the sport, but c'mon man.