Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by jcc
Originally Posted by Sniper
[quote=jcc]One should also ponder this, the strongest acid in the universe, it will eat thru anything, so what does one transport it in?

there is no acid that will eat thru anything so your analogy is useless.

You mean the acid or the analogy or are you just stating the obvious again? laugh2

Maybe you have heard of the chicken or the egg conundrum?


There is no chicken or egg conundrum. Just useless analogies presented as psuedo-erudite sayings.

Or the ramblings of an overactive 4th grade mind. That you always run away from, and can't dispute with any sound argument, and just go straight to ad hominem, must be tough to be afraid of a rambling erudite 4th grader

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.