
I saw a video on YouTube from JJ himself today. IF you would like to see the video I am talking about go to YouTube and punch in "The Real Street Racers", OR "JJ Da Boss What Happened" in the search bar. From what JJ said his wife noticed the fire so he pulled over and got everyone out of the truck, unhooked the truck from the trailer and then moved the truck out of the way, nobody was hurt. Ole Heavy was not lost in the fire, it was a truck LIKE Ole Heavy that he built and Ziptie was not lost in the fire either it was actually a car he ended up buying. So all is well penguin thumbs

Last edited by SportFuryS/23383; 12/13/20 02:53 PM.

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)