Originally Posted by jcc
Anybody shocked i read his autobiography decades back?

One minutia detail I learned I thought noteworthy, his original fame/success was, as he shared, due to his exceptional eyesight, in that he could see the Germans before they could see him, which always gave him the advantage.

RIP angel

I started reading his autobiography again last night. He had 20/10 vision & I do remember from before him saying he could see enemy fighters before any of the other pilots could see them, & probably before the enemy could see our guys as well! I have also read other pilots' comments about Yeager - they all said that he had the uncanny ability to get out of trouble where other pilots would have lost control of a plane. On one X-1 flight, the mother ship dropped Yeager as usual (I think he was at 20,000 feet), but Yeager went to ignite the engine & nothing happened. He tried several times but no dice - he had no electronics so he could not even work the radio to let anyone know he was in trouble. The X-1 was full of fuel, so he remembered how to dump fuel manually (yes - there was a plan-B), & he winged it in for a dead stick landing without fanfare. One of his many miracles of flying. He was a national treasure. RIP Mr. Yeager.

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified