Back when I had my '76 Club Cab, I found a pair of Recarro wanna be seats from some import (I've forgotten the exact car, it was over 20 yrs ago!) and mounted 'em to Ramcharger bases. The seats had all kinds of adjustability (manual) and were SUPER comfy.

As an added unplanned bonus, being the seats were from a two door car, the backs folded forward. This feature with the tilt forward base (passenger side) from the Ramcharger, allowed the seat to tilt pretty far forward and gave me easier access to behind the seats.

If you go for the Ramcharger bases and you currently have a bench, the floor will need a little reinforcing, especially the passenger side.

Sorry, no pics. Mods were done long before cell phones..........


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥