Originally Posted by DirectSubjection
Originally Posted by Jeepmon
The two things I questions is this...

If I followed the storyline correctly, the town was abandoned for 3 years... and it was the site of constant battles... All the buildings were demolished and it looked like there was some fierce fighting going on there.... Yet, there was a woman and a newborn kid hidden inside one of the rooms in one of the buildings.....? Who was the Dad.. who delivered the kid... and then how did the Mom keep the baby from crying and giving away their position? After all, she had no food or milk for the kid.

Town was not abandoned for 3 years. When the Germans withdrew to the Hindenburg Line, they scorched-Earth everything along their way. They burned towns, tore up sewers, ruined any usable infrastructure. They shipped off any able bodied male civilians but left women and children in place so they would tax the allies requiring care. The Germans had recently withdrawn so she'd still be there, and she said she found the baby - and the Germans may not have cared that she was there.. Dead civilians were in the river.

Agreed, I thought the women living in the basement of a bombed out building very plausible. Even the small contingent of Germans left behind to harass advancing Allies seemed realistic. However, given the scorched earth retreat and booby trapped trenches, a stray wandering cow with a bucket of milk nearby without any IEDs, seemed a bit out of place.

I did enjoy the movie overall.