Originally Posted by AndyF
426 engine blocks are fairly rare and anyone who can afford a block could easily afford custom pistons. 413 blocks on the other hand are fairly cheap to find since they aren't very desirable. Therefore, I bet you could sell some inexpensive pistons to low buck guys who round up a 413 block and want a decent compression piston. If it was me I'd design a 413 piston that provide 9.5 to 10.0 compression with a cheap head like the 440Source or the E Street. If you do that you might find a market niche in the low buck area. I don't think I'd bother making a 426W piston. Demand for them has to be close to zero.

Andy, I think you are correct. 426 demand would be low. However I can use 1 piston blank to cover 3 wedge engines. That is the reason I included all the oversizes.May only need one size. Otherwise this piston is exactly what you called for. Lots of 413 blocks out there.Nothing wrong with a 426 for mostly street use with a E street or pro maxx type cyl head. On a performance note these pistons really wake up these engines esp when they have a stock or trw type piston. My customers all have been very happy with the 383 piston.

Leave the gun.......take the Cannoli's....Mike