I guess I should count myself fairly lucky with my Bulldog block.

Known issues: ( 1 ) needed to be align honed , this was stated on the paper work with the block, ( 2 ) needed cylinders honed , no big deal

Discovered issues:
( 1 ) one mechanical fuel pump bolt hole not tapped at all.
( 2 ) no clearance machined for mech fuel pump body, more of an annoyance than a problem.
( 3 ) Had to fabricate my own oil pickup adapter because of the problem stated by Barton.
( 4 ) fuel pump pushrod hole too small, had to be reamed to size.
( 5 ) one main bearing tang located wrong.
( 6 ) oil dipstick hole too small, had to be reamed to size.
( 7 ) lifter valley cylinder head studs are a special length, don't ask me how I know,LOL.
( 8 ) rodding from the casting process left in the water jacket, you must look carefully in there and pick it out.
( 9 ) small pit in one cylinder, this was characterized by Nickens Bros. as a sand pit from the casting process. We both agreed that for a street engine it was no big deal.

This block passed a pressure test with flying colors, this should be your first step with any block of unknown quality. Paul