As far as taxes, get a good look at the whole story, property/income/purchases.
Same goes for the regulatory situation, the relative freedom from that here has been very appealing and appreciated.
16 years ago, I paid more for the plates on a '97 Mustang in CA than I pay now for 4 cars (and it's a flat fee here).
It's harder to check into the local & State level of bureaucracy in a given area, but to me important if you plan to build or renovate or even have several vehicles.
When it comes to water and snow in the Inland NW (E WA, N ID, W MT), it really varies, essentially like micro-climates.
My well is 90', (water at 65' - the aquifer is literally under me); 5 miles away, it's 200' down or even 500'.
Heaviest snowfall is the same deal: a few miles away it can vary markedly. And it varies generally over about a 3-year cycle.