Thanks for the comments and concerns on the fire, it appears to have moved well away from us at this point at least what of it is left.

Well I went solo as planned as the wife had to work Friday. Car ran great and was very predictable, 1st round had a great race with a Maverick from Arizona (I think), his dialed 10.42 to my 10.49. We left with almost identical reaction times and I had a fender on him to the 1/8th, at that point I started pulling away as this motor has a pretty good pull on the back 660' and at 1200' with a good car length on him I backed into him and turned on a win light with a 10.490, whew so close to breaking out! 2nd round was like a new 1st round as they ran all the buyback cars so it was almost 4 hours later. I had dialed for a bad 60' at 10.54 in 96* heat, one of the cars in front of me lost its motor about 100' out which caused a 45 minute clean up, weather stayed the same in that time and I was good with my dial although I had a sneaking suspicion I was going to hook muck better and was racing a fast 8.22 dialed corvette so knew I had to cut a light and be ready for some brake at the end, the car hooked hard and once again our lights were not far off, only problem is I got off the pedal to early as he looked so far back I thought I had him covered, I got back on the gas at about 60' before the stripe but ended up feeding it to him. Was very bummed and my predictor said I would have ran a 10.53 so blew it big time, as they say it is what it is and cannot wait till next year!

I did meet Dave, great chatting with you!

Here are a few more pictures from the weekend.
