Hi! I wonder if anyone here know what size and threads and material used on the adjustment bolt and swivel to the torsion bars on a Chrysler 300 -64, the adjustment for the torsion bars is located in the middle of the car just about under the seats on Chryslers up to -65(see picture i share from the service manual). I have not been able to find any information or parts to the torsion bar anywhere, no one knows or have the parts for it. I have found everything else to the front suspension but when it comes to this subject its a dead end. I have not start the rebuild on the front suspension yet but when i do and maybe stripped the threads on the adjuster bolt or swivel there is nowhere to find these so i try to figure out if they can be made by myself or if there is some specific material of these bolts and swivels. Someone more than me must have touch these things on a Chrysler before -65.
