This popped up in a different post , but I thought it might merit stand alone consideration.
Cam research has come up with a brilliant idea for breaking in flat tappet cams and lifters.
I just got off the phone with them and at this time , they only do Ford ( their bread and butter ) and Chevrolet cams.
He said he simply hasn't gotten a lot of requests from the MoPar crowd.
It would be a relatively simple matter of machining a block that the lifters ride in with MoPar lobe spacing to allow them to do our cams as well.
I have an idea about what fixtures can cost , so it would require an outlay in the 1000.00 neighborhood to have a pair of them done ( one for each bank ) , and more if you bushed them.
I did not get the impression that he was opposed to doing them , but hadn't seen the demand that would justify the expense.
But they charge 60.00 to break in your cam , and box the numbered lifters to return to you.
1/2 hour run in with gradually increasing spring pressure.
For 60.00 , it is a bargain compared the way it should be done i.e. switching springs.
Not having a run stand or wanting to pay dyno time while I changed them out , it will be an in the drive way and over the fender job for me.
That prospect alone makes it look like a bargain.
Probably in the 40.00 range to ship both ways from here , but if you are buying new , I would consider shipping the parts directly to them and saving some of that money.
Cam King