Originally Posted by Mr T2U
i remember when i bought my house 10 years ago.
i found a house that was absolutely perfect for me. it had everything i was looking for. there was a nice sized lot. 8 car garage with high ceilings to install a hoist, it was just built, with a small house. it was absolutely perfect for a single guy with a car hobby. it even had a great price.
i checked with the neighbors and found out it was in a home owners association neighborhood. this wasn't noted in the realtors listing of the house.
no notation of property in homeowners association area in listing and just built garage and then property is for sale were huge red flags to me. I PASSED ON BUYING the house because of this.
i somewhat regret not buying the house. i still haven't found a house like that in my price range ever again.

I'm doing a little house shopping right now, and that sounds like exactly what I need: A large garage with a small detached house... smoke