Part of my mowing is done with a 60 hp International tractor and a 7 1/2' finish mower, I use it about once a month. In June I went to the barn and got the tractor out, engaged the pto and started mowing around the barn. There are a couple places on the front that I have to back into. When I backed up to the barn I noticed bumble bees swarming around so I changed gears and started driving away. I didn't make it far before I had to leave the tractor and was stung twice, once on the forehead and once on the temple before I could get the tractor shut off. I have had bumble bees in the ground in and around the barn before so after taking a couple Benadryl the investigation started and ended unsuccessfully. It had been about 30 minutes so I figured I'd mow and just stay away from the barn. I started mowing but only made it about 30 yards before I had bees again. This time I got away faster and didn't get stung. Now I'm thinking they are in the mower so I get my wasp and bee killer and kill a few as they are flying around but don't see where they are coming from. After a few minutes I walk around the tractor, the bees are coming out of a hole in the front axle. I used the whole can of wasp and bee killer but got my revenge. I've lived on a farm all of my lofe and have had a bunch of run ins with bumble bees and this is the first time I've found them in a piece of equipment, always in the ground before.