I decided I wanted to upgrade from the base 17" wheels to 18.
Sold off the 17s with the 2003 to my buddy/Found the '18s on marketplace and swapped out.

The Ladder rack and toolboxes went up for sale immediately....dirt cheap....but people dragged their feet
and it took seemingly forever to sell them. Finally I got a deposit and pulled all that stuff.
I didn't take pics of the removal, but ended up using the shop hoist to pull the ladder rack, which worked out well,
although I did have to cut the rusty hardware off.

During the time spent waiting for the rack/boxes to sell, I kept busy by de-lettering it.
Funny: The purchase included a heat gun to remove the lettering....the guy started doing it but ended up just leaving it
in the truck for me to finish the job.

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Rich H.

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