Originally Posted by Nobel Crusader

Yes .... it’s BESTer mopX up

B13 was gooder too !

But I’ll haveta agree with JK .... whistling

A simple one works great .... it’s the SOLVENT you pick AND A FILTER that makes or breaks it !

Thanks moparx, sorry I didn't check to see if the links I added actually worked blush.............and thanks doc too up

The problem now is ALL of these cleaning tanks are under OSHA and EPA,,,,,and C,A,R,B, etc., rules and regulations for design safety so I would think if a side drying counter can't be fire safe then it may not happen on a commercial tank? You could probably add one yourself but then you face any issues........but no different than taking the parts out and laying them out on a bunch of solvent soaked shop rags like we all do anyway wink