Its more about data gathering/personal info/national security.

Why do people think windows 10 was pushed for free.

Windows 7 is better, your old commodore 64 was best for privacy.

If anyone here thinks the usa is less intrusive the china is at monitoring citizens I got 10,000 acres in the snow filled mountains of Florida for ya.

Your worst enemy is siting right next to you, your router. What did wifi start as, what was it based on?

For convince we give up EVERYTHING. Only god might know more about us then our own gov.

We see in the news, Russia this China that...... An attack was tried on this gov. pc ect...... well its the media feeding the sheep to keep people afraid of the dark.

The most intrusive aspects of our PC is our own people, so much traffic running in the background. Get smart and learn to block it, think smarter then they do. They look for the saps to hack.

I pay for the lowest speed internet by my isp, but im faster then my neighbors who pays for the fastest.

Then you got your isp, allowing a certain amount of your bandwidth to be eaten up because they get paid as well.

Ive ran wifi over six mile on a 2 watt router.

None of this is done for us, the individual, we are just turds in the bowl.

Oh yea.... not alot of sniffing on my pc today..... go figure, those pesky Russians, call the FBI...... NOT....they prob everyone.

How do all these municipalities get nailed for ransomware, because they trust there traffic to go through all the universities servers. Why do people get nailed for ransom ware? Because they are stupid.

They all think dark fiber and the internet 2 is safe, but look it was a flippin 17 year old NERD on Florida that hacked all the big twitter accounts because the twit reps were saps and got suckered. One person asking 3-10 questions is a red flag, one nice person asking a friendly questions, gets a courteous reply. The biggest problem in personal PC security is there are people in the loop.

Oh yea... them dam Russians, it never stops day or night, from russia, china , the kid next door.

Most who use encrypted wifi should at least run a secondary router you can program and control.

Your pc and router and internet connection is like the dirty tramp at the bar at 3am and your the last one and she calls you John. You cant protect yourself enough.

Screenshot_2020-08-04 FFXFF1 (build 36698) - Incoming Log Table.pngScreenshot_2020-08-04 The IP number is in Russia .pngScreenshot_2020-08-04 The IP number is in Russia It is hosted by RISS-Telecom 2nd block .png