I sold this 62 savoy over 10 years ago, 90% finished, to a very nice gentleman in Pittsburgh. We've stayed in touch over the years and I know the car has been finished nicely and babied, and its seen very few miles and definitely never raced. I've had several cars since then, even ventured to the dark side on a couple of occasions, but always in the back of my mind dreamed of getting this Savoy back one day. The time has finally come, and we struck a deal to bring her back to Chi town! Some of you veteran Moparts guys may remember it ...

Here are a few pics of how far along I had the car before I sold it.


Anyhow, glad to be back and hope to get some track results posted soon! Ok, maybe I better pump the brakes here...but I will get some track times at some point, I swear!

2 kids and a dog