Originally Posted by lewtot184
are the bolt holes for the pan blind holes? I haven't had either trans pan off in a couple of years and don't remember.

Some are blind and some are not.

Someone else said they were never lucky using this gasket.
Sealing the pan up is not about luck, it’s about being thorough.

It’s been a while since I ran a study at work, but if I recall the pan flange has to be flat within .013”. That means you cannot insert a .013” feeler gauge between the flange and flat surface.

The most common issue with stamped steel pans is when someone has “bell mouthed” the bolt hole areas in the pan.
That usually happens when someone tried to seal the pan up by over torquing the bolts when using a cork or composite gasket.

Again, you can’t over tighten the reuseable gasket because the plastic backbone prevents that. You will strip the case bolts before that happens.