I've worked at 3 different places thus far. 1st job was 6 miles commute, 2nd job was a 8 mile commute. Met my wife and moved so my 8 mile commute turned into a 90 mile commute. Did that for 3 years until I finally decided I had enough of it. When I 1st started all I had was my 07 Ram 2500 and was spending $600+ a month on gas alone. That's back when gas was over $3 a gal. I ended up buying a brand new Honda Civic just to commute to work. Even with the added car payment and insurance I was still ahead because of the money I was saving on gas. My current job is a 47 mile commute. Wish I could find another less than 10 mile commute, but leaving in the boondocks that's one perk you won't have.