So I'm watching Wooostock at Darlington. No spectators but a pile of cars. People are ready to get out.

Anyway, maybe someone else saw it. Guys car erupts in flames at the finish line. Obvious fuel fire, totally involved. Gets it stopped and it's taking the track crew a little time to get on it. And it takes a long time - I mean a looong time - for him to get out. Long enough that I thought "he's in big trouble". Finally rolled out of the thing, just as the fire crew got on it with spray. Tears his jacket and stuff off because it was so hot.

Interviewed him later. Said he saw someone have a bad fire last year, so he had all his stuff updated. But. His HANS got caught in the cage and he couldn't get out. Had to stop and think and ended up having to take his damned helmet off to get out of the car. Had a head sock on that saved him from being burned. Luckily, he wasn't hurt at all.

Moral of the story? They used to make you do a blindfold test when you got your license. Don't recall seeing that done in a long time. But how many people have ever practiced or tried to see how long it took to get out of the car in an emergency.

Might be a good idea. Put your stuff on, strap in and close your eyes. Then try to do an emergency exit drill. See how long it takes, if you get tangled up in anything or if something needs to moved or adjusted. Consider putting a ON-OFF lever in reach for the master switch to get the pumps shut off fast. Seeing it happen to someone really makes you think.

Last edited by CMcAllister; 05/21/20 12:20 PM.

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