I got a letter in the mail today from the county health department urging an immediate response. Assuming it was Covid related I gave 'em a call.
The epidemiologist I spoke with started talking about my Covid diagnosis.
My what?
Yeah, that test I took on APRIL FRIGGIN NINTH came back positive. The seems they had two digits wrong in my phone number and resorted to snail mail.

I had been working out of my home shop and in the evenings I was helping a friend with his home remodel. One of the crew working on the house had been diagnosed with the cooties. The foreman told the homeowner. My friend (the homeowner) then told me. The next morning I went down to the local testing location and got my sinuses stuffed.

A few days later I got that little feeling that comes on a day or two before I get the flu. It's like my body is giving me a heads up but I don't actually feel sick. For some reason it stuck around about a week. I also had some strong headaches for a week or so. Other than that, I felt normal. I was keeping an eye out for the common symptoms (as they were known in early April). Nothing ever came from it.

Knowing that the nasty little bug was around I tried to stay away from people, avoided my parents entirely, and kept doing my thing.

In our phone call today the doc asked a bunch of questions but never sounded concerned. She told me that she was not going to put any travel restrictions on me and that I was not contagious. We discussed people I had been in contact with (surprisingly few) and told me to get tested again if I started showing any symptoms.

I guess the little virus buggers didn't have much interest in me and I got off easy. Sadly, not everyone gets the fair shake and a friend is planning her father's memorial as a result.

It looks like I had the bug, didn't know it, and I'm over in the "recovered" column now. Hooray medical science? Hooray luck of the draw?

Either way, remember that there really is a bug out there doing bad things. You and only you are responsible for your health.
Do your best to take care of yourself, try to not share your unknown cooties with others, and we'll see you on the road soon.

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon