Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Originally Posted by gtx6970
Originally Posted by DaveRS23

When was the last time you heard of a bank running out of cash? The folks had the money, but their bank couldn't give it to them. What a system.

Ive had it happen to me on several occasions over the last 25 years or so.
1st time I wanted 25k , all cash. Was traveling to upstate NY to look at a car. My bank branch didnt have it.'
asked me to come back next day and all would be good

Last time was about 3 or 4 years ago. I went in to get $5k. , again didnt have that much cash on hand. ( different bank chain entirely this time versus 1st time )

I once asked a family member whom is a vice president of a bank chain.
He told me once the amount of actual cash on hand depends A LOT on the branch itself

If it were me and the buyer was in front of me,,,, standing in a bank I would have asked to do a wire transfer and sold the car.

Standing in a bank?!?!?!? Where you been lately?

They liked the vehicle and we were set to do business, UNTIL they went to the branch of their bank to cash a check for $6,500.

OP said they were at the bank, for that kind of money I am only assuming they were inside the bank