I dont know about you guys... but i've made more money in March than i did in the previous 4 months combined. Its been a BRUTAL winter for me. Worst ov my life. I run cash businesses, and i couldn't squeeze a buck out ov ANYONE. I couldn't give anything away.

And then... they shut down the gyms. And here i am... sitting on all the remnants ov my almost-opened gym from years ago... basically all the stuff i didn't want to use, or thought was too worthless to sell (unfortunately i'd sold off all the good/professional stuff years ago... too bad...). Well... as it turns out, you can close the gyms, but that doesn't stop hard-cores, or even just normals who were getting into the routine, from needing to train. I'm almost cleaned out, after a whole week... and i had a LOT ov stuff. I had line-ups, text-ques 10 people long for single items. I put a single ad up last night, went to bed, and woke up to 21 Emails. Sh!t... so now i'm out there looking for more to sell. And i'm not even ripping people off like some ov these cretins out there are.