The bigger ones tend to be noisy, besides the racket everything in the house makes when it's being shaken.
The rollers are usually pretty quiet.
This one was apparently 6.5 down South, also felt it in Eastern OR.
I remember the Sylmar 7.1 long ago, and the 7.2 Frisco quake in '89; I was near the epicenter of both.
Both sounded like a locomotive was coming through.
Sylmar: Stuff was flying out of an overhead cabinet, hitting me. My '57 Vette was chained to the gas main 6 feet away. Probably got real lucky there.
Frisco: Watched multi-story buildings slapping each other, and a guy get out of his car to look for flat tires. 3 of my guys saw the double-deck highway collapsing behind them as they were driving home.