My youngest daughter is looking to buy her own car. She looked at a real clean 2011 turbo car last nite.84k miles
The car ( at least to me ) looked pretty clean. no leaks I could see, nothing tore up on the bottom side. all original paint , at least best I can tell

Ive never even given one a passing glance, but she thinks they're cute and wants something newer and that gets better mileage than her 04 Neon, She has had the neon for almost 3 years and is ready to buy something newer and all her own .

Any one here familiar with these things. Common ailments,? hard to work on ?, are these timing belt or chain ?

We drove it last nite and the car will scoot for sure .

She is pretty conservative and has a reasonable budget .Plans to put a decent down payment on it and finance the rest all on her own . Knowing her ,,,, odds are she will have the thing paid off in a year or 18 months 2 years max