So today there was WH press conference with a number highers ups and CEO's regarding announcement of National Emergency, and plans to mitigate COVID-19.

Anyone over the age of six knows even handshakes, and all other body contact should be currently avoided, to minimize airborne COVID-19 virus spreading.

Most approached the podium and spoke to press today on camera.

It is also known some of those present today were recently in close proximity to others who have been tested recently and confirmed infected with COVID-19.

Many shook hands, except for one elbow bump.

It may not be common knowledge, but when participating in important public speaking, its common for spittle to be ejected by the speaker, enough to physically wet the mic/windscreen.

Nearly everyone speaking today with their bare hands, adjusted the single microphone while speaking.

If anyone of them is infected, there is with good possibility, all are now infected, if COVID is as contagious as reported.

If nothing else, this was rather stupid behavior.

We'll see.

PS I watched 90% of the press conference of what was broadcast on my channel.

Last edited by jcc; 03/13/20 10:01 PM.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.