Originally Posted by moetown
Originally Posted by slantzilla
Originally Posted by J_BODY
Originally Posted by n20mstr
ill go out on a limb here and this is my prediction....

NOLA will beat Detroit

NOLA will beat Memphis

Hard to bet against that prediction.....

Depends if the production company lets them really race or not. Production company don't like the home team getting beat. I don't think Memphis has anyone that can run heads-up with Kye Kelley or John Doe.

Memphis has nothing that can beat nola or Detroit, or even any Detroit car at the Milan first Friday heads up race.
The Memphis final will be on a virgin unraced road, to even it up a little against whoever Memphis races.
scope shock
Otherwise the Memphis home team will get beat real bad on the road they are using now. Nola and Detroit made too many fast runs on it.