This Monaco is about 100 miles NE from me, and I've driven past it numerous times in the past 20 yrs, but today was the first time I actually stopped to look at it.

It's right next to a busy hwy directly across from a house, no other houses close by. The way the car is positioned in relation to the house, it looks like they let it roll down the driveway and it 'landed' where its now sitting. But I don't know. To me, it seems a little odd that in all this time, the car hasn't been shot up or burned. What little I could see, nothing appeared missing, even the hubcaps are still on it.

I didn't try to open things because A) abandoned or not, its still not mine and B) it was VERY obvious something was living under the car. I didn't want to meet a PO'ed property owner or whatever was under the car.

Looking thru the holes in the hood, it has a big block, 383 I assume.

Being that there are no side marker lights, I'm guessing it's a '67, correct?



The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥