Yes, times change - and like some, I would rather they not . . . but, adapt or die ?!?!? . . . . amazing to think that the climate change groups, were all fed that in school, and are now adult age, but only have taken in ONE side of the equation ! Here in Canada we have a government that feels we should be killing our economy and not being energy self sufficient !! . . . we have oil & gas reserves, proven to be greater than Saudi Arabia - yet the greenie weenies don't want that developed. Although they still want their comfortable lives, including the government handouts they get - where does that $$$ come from ??? A HUGE amount from oil & gas industry, and the ripple effect it has on our own manufacturing ! Crazy to think that in eastern Canada they accept oil tankers up the St. Lawrence Seaway, with oil from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc . . . but to build a pipeline to take Western Canadian oil & gas - NO WAY !! . . . . or what about shipping to USA ?? We are neighbors, not looking to kill each other - like the Mid East countries that we pay $$$ to for their oil & gas !!! Sorry, rant off . . . back to the vintage cars . . .

So, with the times changing, so goes the interests . . . and the cars we love & cherish are 50yrs or older ! Not sure about many here, but I started working on my car, cause that is all I could afford ! Could not pay a mechanic to fix it ! Then along the way, with better job/pay, was able to get car(s) painted, etc . . . and suddenly its 30 years later and my car(s) are "vintage" . . . Don't want to have a 1:1 scale model in the garage, I love to drive them ! If there are others out there that can appreciate them, then that is great !!

Not sure how it will all play out, but I for one like to drive and enjoy my car(s). Visiting friends in far off places, going to car shows, etc . . . enjoy them while you can !