Originally Posted by Diego (not Ted)

Hot Rod is better than you give it credit for, but it's almost too glossy. There's been a few editorial hiccups but the guy currently in the driver's seat knows what's up.

Could be they've upped their game. I probably haven't read one since 2011 or 2012. We used to carry them at one of the grocery stores I used to work at, but when that place closed, I couldn't get Free Hot Rod anymore. But had I not been getting it for free, I wouldn't have read it. I found it too full of ads and Chevy stuff that didn't interest me. Glad they've stepped up their game and are still around.

I did look at a Hemmings today at the book store but for the life of me, can't remember what was on the cover that I found intriguing. I just don't buy them as religiously as I used to.

I got the April issue of Collectible Auto. Missed out on February. Guy at the book store said they only got in 6 issues and there must've been something good 'cuz they all sold.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....