Anything beyond a basic bracket engine, i.e. 6800+RPM, bush the lifters. 1) You correct the sloppy factory machining and/or worn bores. 2) You fix 16 huge internal oil leaks and keep that oil on the crank. If you need to pressurize the lifters, you can do it in a controlled fashion through the bushings. If not, run the left hand galley dry.

Do the normal, well documented detailing to the internal passages, pump to cap match,

Consider other methods that have been documented in different places, all of which are intended to get solid oil on the mains and the crank and keep it there.

Restrict the 4 large leaks to the cam bearings. Restrict oil to the rocker gear and/or remove the head feed from the 2&4 cam bearings - keep that oil on the 2&4 mains. Plumb a separate oil feed from the pump to the front of the right galley - pressure feed to both ends of the galley equalizes flow and pressure in that galley.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.