I used to use Wenol Red and follow with Blue. It is a readily available product and can be had at mote Motor Bike shops
I switched to Green Dragon as it is way better.
But I still used "The Blue" after as it gives a finer finish and it laves a wax type coat to protect

I was able to find a product that is the same as the Green Dragon as it was hard to find.

It is "Speedy All Metal" as it appears to be the same thing. But as stated above use the second step of Blue Wenol to finish up.

One word of caution! The exception, is they have a coarser one called 1st step. Do not use It is so corse it leaves scratches that the polish does not take out.
It should be used on things that are far gone that person needs to sand. {ie} like an old wheel that needs a quick 2 steps. 1 Heavy clean and cut and 2nd step the polish.


VP of the MPM in New Orleans
73 Dart Sport 340/ 70 challenger vert. That may still get built, If I live long enough