Originally Posted by DrCharles
Baloney. The main lesson is that a well-known rear end place with a good reputation, and that I paid a significant amount of money to do it right, screwed up!
This is a routine job for them and I should not have to follow along second-guessing the professionals.
Weld the perches, weld the back brace, then put the housing ends on, and everything lines up.
But thanks for the victim-blaming. whistling
-------------Exactly, Whoever "welded" that is not a welder and could never be. employed as a welder. That weld is to cold and the guy who did do is inexperienced.
This is the problem with using MIG, workers pick up a MIG gun do some poor welding and think they know the trade, ive seen it more times than I can remember, Id have stick wielded that, wrapped the ends as another member mentioned. The tube would rip off before the weld breaks.