I have installed the stripe kit you have on Superbees and R/T's. First, take a good dose of patience, and plan for most of the day, and do them inside. With the curves being compound, and going over compound curves, you are going to be moving the stripes around A LOT. I use windex to spray down the area where the stripes go, and the back of the stripe, (after peeling the backing sheet off of the adhesive side of the stripe). Using a couple of pieces of tape on the hood, one at the back edge about 2" long along the edge, and another parallel to it about 12" towards the front from the back edge, stick these down first before you windex the car. (These two pieces will be running from side to side, not along the length of the hood). Use a tapeline and mark the hood centerline on the tape. Also mark the centerline of the hood stripe on the backing sheet. Spray down the hood, the hood stripe, and lay it on the hood. Stretch a piece of tape from centerline to centerline of the two pieces for reference tape,(over the stripe), then slide the hood stripe back and forth until the centerline for the stripe matches the reference centerline. Use a couple of pieces of tape on the stripe backing sheet and long enough to loop over the back edge fo the hood to hold the hood stripe in place. Then spray down and put on the top of the fender stripes, slide to align with the hood strip, and tape them in place. Repeat the process for the doors and quaterpanel stripes, windexing them but NOT squeegeeing them. Now the fun begins. You will have to slide the top of fender segments back and forth to get the best match on to the hood and door stripes, then adjust the door and quarter stripes. Once you have them, wipe a spot dry under the stripe, and place a strip of masking tape at the bottom edge to help keep the stripe located as you squeegee them down. You need to be careful not to put too much pressure on the squeegee, as you can wrinkle the stripe. Do not try to smooth the stripe at the tops of the fenders and the front of the doors all down at once, and a heat gun will help. Hope this helps, good luck.