The battery in my 2014 Dart went bad last summer and I bought a new one for it at Walmart. Everything was fine until one morning 3 weeks ago, I went to start it, and it barely turned over. Third attempt it started. Since then has started each time, but after sitting all night or for the day while I’m at work, it shows signs the battery is weak. It’s fine when warm or when it’s only been parked 4 or 5 hours.
I went to Walmart the other day and told them I was suspicious the battery was no good, but they tested it and it passed.
I checked the terminals and they look clean, and connections tight. Only thing I noted was evidence a mouse had visited the insulated battery cover, left some seeds and a few droppings behind, so I put a few drops of peppermint oil on the cover to hopefully repel him.
Is there any possibility the battery isn’t good despite what the stores tester showed? If so, how does one further test?
I don’t have a multimeter, working all day the next two days, then having foot surgery Friday. I’m not planning to try to drive for a week afterward, and betting it will be dead when I try to start it late next week. Beyond the battery I’m pretty limited what I can do now.
Any ideas would be appreciated, I’m thinking if it can’t be the battery I’m going to have to take it in to see if something is stuck on and discharging the battery when it’s parked.